A nice Slash and Burn script for vCD

WARNING!!! This will delete ALL VMs in your vCD!!!!!

Connect to your vCD with “Connect-CIServer ” and run the following:

Stop-CIVApp * -Confirm:$false
Remove-CIVApp * -Confirm:$false
sleep 5
Remove-OrgNetwork * -Confirm:$false

Then manually delete any gateway devices and then run the following to clean up all the orgs:

Set-OrgVdc -Enabled:$false
remove-OrgVdc -Confirm:$false
Set-Org -Enabled:$false 
remove-Org -Confirm:$false

Big thanks to my colleague Grant Voss for this awesome little cleanup script.

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vCenter Orchestrator Configuration Password Recovery

If you forgot/lost the password of vCO Configuration wizard, you can reset it using the following steps:
  1. In vCO Server, navigate to C:\ProgramFiles\VMware\Orchestrator\configuration\jetty\etc\
  2. Edit the file password.properties and paste the following line (this should be replacing the existing one):
3. Restart the vCO Configuration server and log in with username/password: vmware/vmware.
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