Creating and importing self-signed SSL certificates for vCD using keytool

To create and import self-signed SSL certificates:
  1. Create an untrusted certificate for the HTTP service host with the command:keytool -keystore certificates.ks -storetype JCEKS -storepass passwd -genkey -alias http
  2. Enter the fully qualified domain name of the HTTP service host when prompted for your first name and last name.
  3. Create an untrusted certificate for the console proxy service host with the command:keytool -keystore certificates.ks -storetype JCEKS -storepass passwd -genkey -alias consoleproxy
  4. Verify that all the certificates have been imported, list the contents of the keystore file with the command:keytool -storetype JCEKS -storepass passwd -keystore certificates.ks -list
  • By default, certificates are valid only for 3 months. To increase the duration, add the switch -validity number_of_days when creating your certificate.
  • After creating the certificates, you must run the /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/bin/configure script. This script prompts you for the SSL certificates. After you enter the required passwords, the vCloud Director service starts.

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